Jewelry Estate Sales Help Fund Retirement in Bethesda, Maryland

 Jewelry Estate Sales Help Fund Retirement

 People at or nearing retirement age in Bethesda, Maryland look for ways to increase their nest egg so they can maintain or improve their standard of living after they stop working.  Of course, these years also represent a higher possibility of elderly parents passing away and leaving behind their estates that may include fine jewelry pieces.

 The combination of a sudden acquisition of rings, necklaces, earrings, brooches, and the need for any additional financial luxury as retirement approaches triggers a new need for jewelry appraisal services. Besides keeping a few heirloom pieces, selling fine jewelry can bring in quite a bit of supplemental money.

 Get a Professional Jewelry Appraisal First

 Before you even think about selling the older pieces of jewelry passed down by family members or close friends, arrange for an expert jewelry appraisal. How do you know you can trust the person who performs the service to give you the most accurate and helpful information?

Of the numerous jewelry appraisers that we spent extensive time researching in the greater Maryland and Washington D.C. area, we found only a handful of appraisers that will have the expertise to give you a spot on appraisal.  One of these places is Accredited Jewelry Appraisals operated by a jewelry and diamond expert who has decades of experience, top levels of education and training, association with the most reputable gemological organizations in the United States, and a long-term accumulation of top reviews and testimonials from previous clients.

 A comprehensive jewelry appraisal that has served many customers in and around the Bethesda, Maryland area, informs you more than just how much a pair of earrings, ring, necklace, or pin is worth in today’s dollars. It also provides in-depth information about the precious metals used, the diamonds and other gemstones, and the design of the jewelry itself and how that influences the price.

 In most cases, this final evaluation determines value for insurance purposes. If you intend to sell the jewelry, the amount someone else is willing to pay may be less or quite a bit more, depending on the individuals that might arrive at your estate sale and of course how the jewelry is marketed.  Obviously, this is another reason it is imperative to have an expert give you more information on the pieces, the more knowledge you have, the better you can advertise and display the valuables.

 Identify the Best Option for Valuable Sales

 Estate sales, online selling options, and fine jewelry auctions all represent possibilities when it comes to selling older pieces you receive in an inheritance. The most important parts of the entire process include making sure you understand each piece’s true worth and protecting yourself from unscrupulous buyers.

 If you live in or around the Bethesda, Maryland area, multiple options for estate sales exist. Research them all to determine which suits your needs the most. Read only reviews and make appointments to learn about how they can help you through the entire sales process.

 As the parents, grandparents, or other older relatives of the Baby Boomer generation pass away, they leave behind a wealth of estate jewelry pieces that may not suit the recipients’ personal tastes. If you find yourself suddenly in possession of unattractive, unwanted, yet valuable gold, silver, platinum, diamond, and gemstone jewelry pieces, the first step involves getting a complete and accurate jewelry appraisal from an experienced and reliable professional like Accredited Jewelry Appraisers.

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